30000 Hello Mark ! 30001 > How are you ? 30002 I am fine! 30003 Bye, 30004 Peter 30005 This is a message in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, 30006 while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. 30007 Hello, \n 30008 From: 30009 Date: 30010 Subject: 30011 To: 30012 New Address Book\nCreates a new address book 30013 New Account\nCreates a new account 30014 New Sent-Folder\nCreates a new Sent-Folder 30015 Hold/Reactivate\nHolds/Reactivates a message 30016 New Message\nCreates a new message 30017 New Entry\nCreates a new address book entry 30018 Properties\nEdits the object's properties 30019 Delete Object\nDeletes an object 30020 Import Unix Mailspool\nImports a mailspool in UNIX format 30021 Print Message\nPrints the selected message 30022 Help\nShows help 30023 Open\nOpens the folder 30024 Reply\nCreates a new message in reply to an existing message 30025 Forward\nForwards a message 30026 Delete Message(s)\nDeletes the selected message(s) 30027 New Task\nCreates a new task 30028 New In-Folder\nCreates a new In-Folder 30029 Edit Message\nEdits the selected message 30030 Copy\nCopies the selected objects 30031 Execute Task\nExecutes the task; connections to your Internet servers are established as you specified 30032 Online Mode\nEnters online mode 30033 Open Inbox\nOpens the Inbox 30034 Open Outbox\nOpens the Outbox 30035 Open Sentbox\nOpens the Sentbox 30036 Move\nMoves the selected objects 30037 - unused - 30038 - unused - 30039 - unused - 30040 - unused - 30041 - unused - 30042 - unused - 30043 - unused - 30044 - unused - 30045 - unused - 30046 - unused - 30047 - unused - 30048 - unused - 30049 - unused - 30050 Total: 30051 Unread: 30052 Marked: 30053 %d of %d 30054 Task executed, waiting... 30055 (at %d bytes/sec) 30056 (at %d.%d kb/sec) 30057 You have used AK-Mail for %s day(s) now. 30058 %d.%d sec 30100 AK-Mail is registered. Thank you ! 30101 Cancel 30102 Sender 30103 Analyzing file... 30104 Cancelled 30105 %s minutes left 30200 Please do not alter this file 30201 Subject 30202 Processing messages... 30203 Press F1 for help 30400 This name is already in use 30401 Date 30402 This Message 30403 File 30404 Save File 30405 File was saved successfully 30406 Open File 30407 The entry cannot be copied/moved because there is an entry with exacty the same name in the destination address book 30408 This version of Windows is not supported 30409 The header of this message does not contain valid addresses. Your command will be aborted 30500 Task Properties 30501 User Properties 30502 Folder Properties 30503 Account Properties 30504 Inbox 30505 Recipient 30506 Address Book Properties 30507 Entry Properties 30508 Embedded Message 30509 Logged in successfully - Checking for new mail... 30510 There are no other In-Type folders 30511 There is only one address book 30600 Failed to initialize (#1) 30601 Failed to initialize (#2) 30602 Failed to initialize (#3) 30603 Folder could not be created 30604 Folder 30605 Error while writing the message 30606 Error while reading the message 30607 Error while saving 30608 Error while reading the file 30609 Error - Unable to establish connection (timed out) 30610 Error - Unable to use the network 30611 Error - This server does not offer the required service 30612 Error - Network subsystem failed 30613 Error - Unable to resolve hostname (spelling problem ?) 30614 Error - Code: %d 30615 Error - Unexpected shutdown. The Connection was closed. 30616 Error - Invalid server address 30617 Error - Your login name was rejected by the POP3 server 30618 Error - Your password was rejected by the POP3 server 30619 Error - Received unexpected data 30620 Error - Failed to read message 30621 Error - A file from a binary part of a message could not be read 30622 Error - The address of one or more recipients was rejected by the SMTP server 30623 Error while writing the message (%d) 30624 Error - Failed to write message (%d) 30625 Error - An I/O operation failed 30626 Error - Detected a message without valid recipient address 31000 Yes 31100 No subject entered 31101 No domain name entered 31102 No name entered 31103 No account name entered 31104 No address entered 31105 No user name entered 31106 Configuration file of AK-Mail 31107 Unable to create configuration file 31108 No search string entered 31109 No MIME parts present 31110 No recipient specified 31111 No label entered 31112 Copying messages... 31113 No account created 31114 No address book created 31115 No server address entered 31116 No password entered 31117 No valid entries detected 31118 No login name entered 31200 Reading messages... 31201 Deleting messages... 31300 Do you really want to delete the selected address book ? 31301 Do you really want to delete the selected entry ? 31302 Do you really want to delete the selected account ? 31303 Do you really want to delete the selected task ? 31304 Do you really want to delete the selected folder ? 31305 Do you really want to delete the selected message(s) ? 31306 -unused- 31307 Do you really want to delete the selected MIME part ? 31308 Do you really want to flush the message cache ? 31400 No 31401 Number 31402 AK-Mail message 31403 Unknown, because there are no messages on your server 31404 Message was copied into the Outbox 31500 Object Tree 31501 OK 31900 - unused - 31901 Default Task 31902 Unable to create default folders 31903 Status 31904 Sending login name... 31905 Sending password... 31906 Sending messages... 32000 Text 32100 Invalid data entered 32101 Outbox 32102 Unregistered copy. Please register ! 32200 Sentbox 32201 Establishing connection to your POP3 server... 32202 Establishing connection to your SMTP server... 32203 Moving messages...